We provide a wide range of mental health services across the London boroughs of Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham and Hounslow.
We also deliver a range of national, specialist and forensic services.
West London NHS Trust provides acute inpatient care services at Hammersmith and Fulham Mental Health Unit and Lakeside Mental Health Unit, for those who need support for severe mental health problems or a mental health crisis.
The Cassel Hospital provides treatment for adults with severe and complex personality disorders, and young people with emerging personality disorders who’ve often exhausted all other avenues of help from mental health services.
Our clozapine clinics run in 3 locations. Referrals are made through mental health services.
Crisis Assessment and Treatment Teams (CATT) are a mental health service based in the community, supporting people in Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham and Hounslow. They assess adults in mental health crisis, or those needing intensive home-based support.
The Crisis Recovery House delivered by Richmond Fellowship, supports people experiencing a mental health crisis, as an alternative to hospital admission, where appropriate. It will also provide assistance to individuals discharged from hospital who require a brief period of intensive support. The service will offer short term placement, with respite, practical and emotional support, therapeutic sessions while retaining or forming key links with family and support networks, to help build resilience and learn mental health coping strategies.
The early intervention for psychosis team provides assessment and support for those with a suspected first-episode of psychosis.
West London community eating disorders service is a specialist outpatient service which offers assessment, treatment and monitoring for people aged 18 and over with conditions such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.
About Electroconvulsive therapy, and how it is offered by a highly trained and expert team.
We offer employment support services to help those on a mental health recovery journey with job retention, support into paid employment and work experience. We support clients of mental health integrated network teams (MINT) and early intervention pychosis (EIP).
We're a specialist forensic child and adolescent mental health team, supporting professionals working with young people under the age of 18, who are at risk of being placed in a secure setting. We'll work to help maintain community and educational placements, aiming for positive outcomes for young people and their families.
Forensic community services encompass a number of different teams who provide specialist mental health support for service users leaving secure care and have been discharged from secure care via our SCFT Team.
The Hounslow Wellbeing Network supports people to connect, helping to reduce stigma and mental illness. We’re also open to those who may be experiencing difficult times and those on a journey of personal recovery. Our aim is to combat social isolation, loneliness, depression and anxiety, improving the health and wellbeing of local residents.
How the Liaison and diversion service provides assessment and care for vulnerable people with mental health problems in the criminal justice system
The liaison psychiatry service looks after the mental health needs of people in hospital who also have physical health problems.
The Maternity Trauma and Loss Care (M-TLC) Service provides specialist support and treatment to women, their families and support network who are affected by birth trauma or baby loss. The service is a partnership between North West London mental health and maternity Trusts and has been developed in conjunction with Experts by Experience and the invaluable input of women and families who have faced such trauma and loss.
We’re improving the way we provide mental health care services across the boroughs of Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham and Hounslow, so that they're easier to access, more connected to the community and designed to meet individual needs. We’ve called it MINT which stands for mental health integrated network teams.
Older people's mental health services provide assessment, treatment, therapy and support for older people with complex mental health needs, including dementia, through community teams and inpatient services in Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Hounslow.
The perinatal mental health service is a special team that gives extra help to women who're having mental health problems when they’re pregnant or after they’ve had their baby.
We provide pharmacy services at Clayponds Hospital, Broadmoor Hospital and the St Bernard’s Hospital site.The pharmacy service supports staff, patients and carers to use medicines safely and effectively.
Our psychological medicine services are part of Ealing Community Partners (ECP). They work alongside and are integrated with our other community teams. We support people with psychological needs caused by, or contributing to, long-term physical health conditions.
Psychologists working in acute mental health services provide rapid assessment and brief interventions and therapies for people who are cared for by our acute inpatient teams.
The West London NHS Trust rough sleepers service plays a key part in responding to the needs of rough sleepers, who also have mental health and physical health difficulties. The service works across Hammersmith and Fulham, Ealing and Hounslow - with a range of partners, including St Mungos outreach service and local authority homelessness departments.
The safe spaces are local hubs for anyone, including carers who feels they’re nearing crisis point. Staff are available to listen and work with you to help. The service is provided in partnership with Hammersmith and Fulham, Ealing and Hounslow Mind.
The Mental Health Single Point of Access is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and provides urgent help from trained mental health advisors, for those in crisis.
The Solace Centre, Equinoxcare is Ealing's daily out-of-hours mental health resource centre combating loneliness and isolation through social inclusion. We are a connecting hub with over 60 members, based in West Ealing where people with mental health problems can meet in a relaxed, accepting environment to socialize, supporting one another and making new friends. It can help with respite, long-term self-management, resilience, and sustainability.
The West London NHS Wellbeing & Recovery College provides courses that are open to people under the care of our services, as well as to staff, families, supporters and carers. We work in partnership with local communities, to develop and deliver training and courses services, systems and cultures that support recovery and wellbeing.
West London forensic service provide a range of medium and low secure services, specialist rehabilitation and community forensic mental health services for men and women.
Secure services
Broadmoor Hospital is a specialist high secure psychiatric hospital. Find out about care provided, career opportunities and visiting information for carers.
High secure services provide inpatient care for male service users who can’t be treated safely in lower levels of security.
There are 5 wards in the men’s low secure service on the St Bernard’s Hospital site in Ealing. These treat and support service users as they prepare to transition safely from a secure setting into the community.
Three Bridges is a medium secure unit which provides secure services to men with complex and enduring needs, who pose a risk to themselves or others, and who require a secure setting
The Orchard unit provides high-quality care for women who have mental illness, or a personality disorder and who need care in a low, medium or enhanced medium secure setting. It is on St Bernard's Hospital site.
West London NHS Trust provides women’s low, medium and medium enhanced secure services for women who have a mental disorder and whose behaviour poses a risk to others.
Talking Therapies
We offer talking therapies for people over 18 who have a GP or live in the London Borough of Ealing. We help you with common problems like stress, anxiety, and depression.
Formerly 'Back on Track', talking therapies Hammersmith and Fulham offer psychological therapies for people over 18 who have a GP or live in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. We help you with common problems like stress, anxiety, and depression.
We offer talking therapies for people over 18 who have a GP or live in the London Borough of Hounslow. We help you with common problems like stress, anxiety, and depression.