Ealing Talking Therapies (formerly known as Ealing IAPT) provides psychological
therapies for people over 18 who have a GP or live in the London Borough of Ealing. We help you with common problems like stress, anxiety, and depression. This service is provided free of charge by the NHS.

- You’ll find the key information about Talking Therapies below. If you’re still not sure
about the support you need, are finding things hard, or would simply like ideas to
help your mental health, then complete the online referral form and our team
will be in touch to book an assessment with one of our practitioners.
To watch a full video tour of the services click here
Talking therapies help people with common problems like stress, anxiety and
How can it help me?
We can help people with mild to moderate mental health issues. Our support can
help you to:
Work out what you want to change
Recognise why you feel like this
Learn new ways of coping
Better manage your difficulties.
Is Talking Therapies for me?
We use a range of psychological therapies to treat anxiety, low mood and
This might feel like some or all of these:
Feeling worried about things all the time
Finding it hard to sleep or waking up with anxious thoughts racing through
your mind
Avoiding situations or things you’d like to do because you feel anxious
Exhausted because you feel on edge all the time
Upsetting thoughts that you can’t seem to get rid of
Intense fear of specific objects, situations, or activities
Sudden, overwhelming feelings of panic.
Low mood or depression
This might feel like some or all of these:
- Feeling sad a lot of the time
- Not enjoying things like you used to
- Not having any energy
- Changes in your appetite
- Finding it hard to sleep or sleeping more than normal.
Who is this service not suitable for?
Service users need to be motivated to attend and engage in regular psychological
therapy. Those with the following mental health conditions are unlikely to benefit
from the brief, structured help we provide. We can't see people where there is:,
Active risk of harm to self, current suicidal intent, a recent suicide attempt, or if still in crisis
A diagnosed personality disorder or personality traits that would make engagement in a brief psychological intervention likely to be ineffective, unhelpful and contravene NICE guidance
Complex needs requiring multi-disciplinary input or longer-term psychological input. Examples include severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), chronic agoraphobia, complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), such as following repeated/ongoing trauma or victims of significant torture
Drug and alcohol misuse as a primary problem or level of misuse likely to prevent engagement in regular psychological therapy
Significant psychosocial or physical health factors that prevent engagement in regular psychological therapy or require input from a multi-disciplinary team. For example, where there are ongoing physical health investigations or legal cases
Where ongoing home visits are required.
We use a range of talking therapies to help you feel better, click the below links to learn more:
- Problems we treat
- What we offer - groups and courses
- What we offer - employment support
- What we offer - online therapy
- What we offer – one-to-one therapy
- Move 4 Mood
Our approaches use evidence-based therapies. This means there's proof they are likely to make you feel better. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one we use a lot. Here are some examples of the services we offer:
CBT for individuals
Using Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-based approaches we work with you to identify unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviours that may be keeping your difficulties going. You’ll then learn strategies to break out of negative cycles and begin on your path to recovery.
BCT for couples
Behavioural Couples Therapy (BCT) is an evidence-basedthe treatment for depression. It is suitable for couples where low mood or depression affects one or both partners and leads to distress within the relationship.
Guided self-help
Using workbooks and working through defined tasks you learn ways of coping with stress and feelings of low mood to help you manage your difficulties.
Counselling for depression
We talk about struggles experienced in the past and the present including exploring feelings to better understand your concerns and the impact key moments have had on you.
Group sessions and workshops
Join group sessions and learn to control stress and improve general wellbeing, focus on mindfulness, better cope with long-term conditions, improve self-esteem and assertiveness, and ease sleep problems.
Signposting and other services
After speaking with you, we may refer you to other better-suited local NHS or charitable services to help you plan next steps to improving your mental wellbeing.
What next?
After we receive your referral, we will contact you within 7–14 days to book an assessment. Assessments are usually over the phone lasting between 30 to 60 minutes. All our calls are from a withheld number. During the assessment, the therapist will ask you about your difficulties and then suggest a treatment option. If we are not the most appropriate service for you, we'll explain the reason and suggest alternative services, where possible.
What to expect during therapy
Your therapist will recommend a treatment that's most suited to you and you can access therapy in different ways. It can be face-to-face, in groups, or using video on your mobile phone, tablet, or computer.
Conversations are with non-judgemental professional therapists who will keep your information confidential. We routinely share general information with your GP and other health professionals involved in your care to help them look after you. This might include information like the fact you have chosen to access a talking therapy and the type of treatment you are receiving. More detailed information may be shared but we would always try and discuss that with you first. We're part of the NHS and all services are offered free of charge.
We can deliver treatments in languages other than English (depending on the type
of appointment/therapy you require). In our team, we have native speakers of:
• Arabic
• Bosnian
• Croatian
• Czech
• Dutch
• English
• Farsi
• German
• Hindi
• Hungarian
• Kurdish
• Mandarin
• Nepalese
• Norwegian
• Polish
• Portuguese
• Punjabi
• Romanian
• Russian
• Serbian
• Shona
• Sinhala
• Slovak
• Spanish
• Swedish
• Tagalog
• Urdu
• Yoruba.
Self-help leaflets and websites can help you learn more about your difficulties, which can help you look after yourself and feel more in control of your feelings. We recommend resources from the following websites as these provide accurate, helpful, and safe information:
- Mental Health Foundation
- Action For Happiness
- Every Mind Matters
- Mind
- Get Self Help
- Talk Plus
- Good Thinking
- Mindout (for LGBTQ+ communities)
- Lifesigns (support for self-harm)
- Living with chronic pain
- No More Panic
- Carers UK
- Turn2us (benefits advice)
You can download a range of self-help leaflets in accessible formats, listen to or watch with British Sign Language (BSL).
You can download a range of worksheets on common conditions from the Centre
for Clinical Investigations.
Making a referral
There are two easy ways to access Talking Therapies:
1. Refer yourself
You can self-refer to talking therapies. You should be over 18 and be registered with a GP in the borough of Ealing. To self-refer, you can either fill out an online form, call our freephone number or email us.
Online form: Complete the online referral form here
Call (freephone number): 020 3830 5640
Email: wlm-tr.talkingtherapies.ealing@nhs.net
2. Request your GP to refer you
Your doctor, social worker, employment advisor or any other professional can make a referral for you.
We value your feedback as it helps us monitor and improve our services and deliver better patient-centred care.
Please take a few moments to let us know what you think of our services by completing our online friends and family test survey. (Please quote Ealing Talking Therapies).