Slavery and human trafficking remains a hidden blight on global society and we have a responsibility to be alert to the risks in everything we do.

We provide care for some of the most vulnerable people in society and we remain committed to upholding the provisions of the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Act 2015, and we expect our staff and suppliers to comply with the legislation and report concerns where they have them.

The Trust Board believes that the Trust is following good practice in implementing steps to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the Trust’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year 2019/20.

For a summary of the action and steps taken by the Trust, please read the latest report (PDF).

Read more detail about how we are ensuring we protect the most vulnerable people we care for and ensure our staff and partners do too.

The Trust updates relevant Trust policies on a regular basis to highlight obligations where any issues of modern slavery or human trafficking might arise, particularly in our procedures for safeguarding adults and children, tendering for goods and services, and recruitment and retention.

The Trust’s procurement process has been reviewed to ensure that human trafficking and modern slavery issues are considered at an early stage, requiring self-certification from potential suppliers that their supply chains comply with the law.

We procure many goods and services through frameworks endorsed by the Cabinet Office and Department of Health and Social Care, under which suppliers such as Crown Commercial Services and NHS Supply Chain adhere to a code of conduct on forced labour. We operate professional practices relating to procurement and supply, and ensure procurement staff attend regular training on changes to procurement legislation.

All staff receive a comprehensive induction programme which includes information on, and guidance regarding, slavery and human trafficking. The Trust also requires all staff to complete safeguarding courses, which cover obligations under the Act. We also require external agencies supplying temporary staff to demonstrate compliance with the legislation.

All clinical and non-clinical staff have a responsibility to consider issues regarding modern slavery and incorporate their understanding of these into their day-to-day practices.