We offer a range of one-to-one therapies to suit different needs.

The type of therapist you see depends on the type of treatment you have. You may see:

  • Assistant psychologists
  • Psychological wellbeing practitioners (including trainees)
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) therapists (including trainees)
  • Clinical and counselling psychologists (including trainees)

Guided self-help is a type of one-to-one therapy. You work through self-help material matched to your problems. A psychological wellbeing practitioner (PWP) supports you.

Cognitive behavioural therapy, often called CBT, is a talking therapy. It takes place over a short time. It works by helping you to change unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaving.  

Learn more about CBT on the NHS website. 

IPT is a structured, treatment if you have depression that keeps coming back. The aim is to reduce your symptoms of depression and improve your relationships with other people. With the help of your therapist, you will set and aim to meet goals to do this.

EMDR is another therapy that's been developed to help people who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People who have PTSD may experience intrusive thoughts, memories, nightmares or flashbacks of traumatic events in their past.

Behavioural couples therapy (BCT) helps both people in a relationship to communicate better with each other. It aims to look at parts of your relationship that might be making you feel depressed. 

Your therapist will help you, as a couple, improve communication problems in your relationship. 

Sessions focus on:

  • Relieving stress
  • Improving communication
  • Managing feelings
  • Changing behaviour
  • Solving problems
  • Accepting each other.

DIT aims to help you understand the connection between how you feel and what’s happening in your relationships. Symptoms of depression and anxiety often improve when you can deal with relationship problems more effectively. 

About the sessions

  • 16 weekly sessions 
  • Each session is 50 minutes 
  • One-to-one sessions, over the phone or Microsoft Teams.

There’s scientific evidence that DIT helps people feel better.

What you need to do

You need to want to make constructive changes.

There are no written exercises or homework.

What happens in DIT therapy

Your therapist wants to help you find better ways of being and coping with difficult relationships in your life.

When something is very painful, we often try to ignore it. It’s a bit like the saying ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Most of the time, we know when we’re doing this. But sometimes, we bury something so deep we don’t know it’s there anymore. This is why difficult experiences in the past can affect the way we feel and behave now.

In DIT, the therapist helps you talk about what might be hidden. It gives you a safe place to talk openly about how you feel and to understand what might be causing your difficulties. 

They will encourage you to talk about what’s on your mind. Sometimes they might wait in silence for you to speak. This can feel strange at first. Your therapist knows this and will help if it gets difficult. Your therapist may be interested in why you ask a question, as well as what the question is.

Couple Therapy for Depression helps couples who are depressed and also have emotional problems in their relationship.

It’s open to all couples. We are keen to support couples who are members of the Hammersmith and Fulham LGBTQ+ community who may not be aware of the service.  

About the therapy

It aims to help you, as a couple:

  • Become more open and closer to each other
  • Be more thoughtful in how you speak to each other
  • Avoid making assumptions about each other
  • Cope better, together, with the stressful events life can throw at you.

Your therapist will help you recognise behaviour that’s damaging your relationship and leading to depression.

This counselling is provided on behalf of Back on Track by the West London Centre for Counselling.

This therapy targets the emotional problems that can be behind depression. This can include low self-esteem and excessive self-criticism. It aims to help you recognise your underlying feelings. You can then make sense of them and reflect on new and different meanings for them which might emerge. This, in turn, can help you start to change how you think and behave.

Find out more about counselling on the NHS website.

This counselling is provided on behalf of Back on Track by the West London Centre for Counselling.

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a time-limited and structured psychotherapy.

IPT therapy suggests that what’s happening in your relationships has an impact on how you feel in your mood - for example, a breakdown of a relationship or a loss will affect how you feel.

But similarly, your mood has an impact on your relationships, for example when you’re low, you may isolate yourself or argue with loved ones.

The aim of IPT therapy is to reduce your symptoms of depression and improve your relationships with other people. With the help of your therapist, you’ll set goals together to help you achieve this.

IPT is focused largely on what's happening in the here and now, rather than the past. Treatment lasts for 16 sessions, each one is 50 minutes and will be offered one-to-one with an IPT therapist.