Publish date: 11 March 2021

The latest annual NHS staff survey ranks West London NHS Trust as best in class among community and mental health trusts for:

  • Quality of care, with 88% of staff saying they’re satisfied with the level of care being delivered
  • Immediate managers, with 76% saying they’re happy with their line manager, up by 2%.

The survey was completed by 1,892 staff (52% of the workforce).

We’ve seen notable improvements in:

  • Staff engagement – 73% say they are satisfied or very satisfied by the level and quality of engagement they’ve received, a 4% increase on the previous year
  • Health and wellbeing – 65% are said to be satisfied or very satisfied by the range of health and wellbeing support available, up by 3%. Just over 80% of staff say their immediate managers have taken an active interest in their mental health and wellbeing
  • Relationship with immediate managers – 80% of staff feel they’re empowered and supported by their managers.

On work patterns, 64% of staff say they’re satisfied with flexible working opportunities offered, a 4% increase on the previous year and an 11% increase since 2016. 

Nina Singh, Director of Workforce and Organisational Development, says:

“Having joined the Trust in August 2020 and during a challenging year because of the pandemic, I’ve been keen to see the outcome of the staff survey result. Overall, I’m really encouraged that more staff than ever feel engaged with the organisation, have valued the health and wellbeing support and rated the Trust highly for the quality of care provided.”

“Thank you to those who contributed to the staff survey. It is important to recognise the progress that has been made and focus on the key areas in which we need to improve.”