Professionals can refer young people to Hounslow CAMHS using our online referral form. Please complete all the mandatory fields and include as much information as possible to help us effectively triage the referral. 

Information required for this form

We are required to register the full demographic details (including area of residency, GP details and NHS number) of all referrals. Please include this information in your referral otherwise we will need to contact you before we are able to triage the referral 

Type of referral

Section one: Young person's details

Date of birth Required
Address where child or young person lives Required
Is this a special needs school?

Section 2 - Parent, guardian or carer details

Address Required

Section 3 - Home situation

Please provide as much information as possible

Interpreter required? Required

Parental responsibility

Please provide details e.g. parent/carer/Local Authority (LAC) include name and contact details if not already shown above.


Section 4: Disability and communication needs

Learning disability Required
Physical disability Required

Section 5 - Referrer's details


Section 6 - Consent

Please complete this section fully, without this information we will be unable to triage the referral effectively. 

Has the child/young person/family had previous involvement with this or any other CAMHS?
Do the parents/carer/guardians (who have parental responsibility) consent to this referral to CAMHS?
Do the parents/carer/guardians (who have parental responsibility) consent to this referral to CAMHS being shared with another more appropriate NHS or Local Authority Service? This includes being sent to another Trust such as CNWL.
If no, are the parents/carer/guardians (who have parental responsibility) aware of this referral?
If the young person is 16 years and over, does the young person consent to this referral to CAMHS?
If the young person is 16 years and over, does the young person consent to this referral to CAMHS being shared with another more appropriate NHS or Local Authority Service? This includes being sent to another Trust such as CNWL?
If the young person is 16 years and over, does the young person consent to this referral being shared with their parents/carer/guardians?
Are there any other matters such as culture, language, illness, religion or disability that we may need to consider when getting in touch?

Section 7 - Reasons and background for referral


Section 8 - Safeguarding and risks

Is the family known to children’s social services? Required
Does the child have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), Child Protection (CP) Plan, Child in Need (CIN) Plan? Required
Is the child/young person a Looked After Child (LAC)? Required
Is the child/young person/family currently involved in legal proceedings relating to the child/young person?
Are you aware of any domestic violence or abuse issues in this family? Required

Section 9 - Medical history and treatments


Section 10 - Any other agencies involved with the child or young person

Please provide any information you may have about other agencies or professionals involved in the care of this child or young person.

Is the child/young person on a waiting list for a service?
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Relevant reports attached to this referral? Required